1213 views Updated over 1 year agoWritten by Brian Londrigan, digitalized by Matt

William Patric Londrigan (1881 - 1946)

During his life, William remained a bachelor & worked on his father's farm. He purchased a small block of land at Cooptown with a house on it. From memory it had three bedrooms. William had a drinking problem & my father Chris kept an eye on him with a firm hand.

Most Christmas days he had dinner at our house. My father used to harness up the horse & cart to collect him early in the morning after milking the cows. William would spend the day with us.

He died after a long illness of cancer at Darfield in 1946, having been nursed by his sister Vera . He died & was burried at Little River Cemetry. How do you know William? Leave a memory.