1189 views Updated over 1 year agoWritten by Brian Londrigan, digitalized by Matt

Mary Harty (Londrigan) (1884 - 1965)

Mary married Jack Harty, a farmer in the Morice Settlement (Section 25). Uncle Jack was very Irish, he spoke with a rich Brogue accent & when he spoke to me, my name always came out as "Brain" (instead of Brian) which always intrigued me. On his travels as a young man to New Zealand, he told me he spent some time in New York.

Mary & Jacks farm was across the Hikuithal stream (i.e) Puaka Valley Rivier. There was a small foot only swing bridge across the river. To cross by car or horse etc a Ford Furiher up the stream was used.

He milked approx 100 head of Jersey cows. When he retired he purchased a house in Woolston, Christchurch. Jack died Feb 18th 1965, burried at Rura Lawn Cembetry, Christchurch at 92 years of age. How do you know Mary? Leave a memory.