1474 views Updated over 1 year agoWritten by Brian Londrigan, digitalized by Matt

John Londrigan (1857 - 1929)

John Londrigan was Born in County Limerick, Ireland on 12/01/1857. He died at Little River on 11/10/1929 at Tom Brankins Farm, Okuti Valley. Tom's Wife Hilda was John's daughter.

John arrived in New Zealand on March 9th 1877. For the first 5 years he leased a property at Childrens Bay. After 2 years he married Suzannah Glynan on 28th June 1879 at the Catholic Church in Akaroa.

Suzannah was born at Onuku on 2nd September 1860, she died at Little River aged 65 on 28th May 1925. John & Suzannah are both burried at The Little River Cemetry.

John & Suzannah moved from Childrens Bay to Little River onto a farm situated just above Cooptown off the Akaroa main highway (2nd bend up from the Puaha turn off). Access was up a steep gully with the house quite a long way up.

I understand the house was burned down, or atleast I think. After that, they moved to another property in Western Valley which later was sold to the ushers who still lived there when we left Puaha to live in Christchurch. This house was on the corner & had a very fine well trimmed Marcracapa Hedge.

I believe remnants of the original house, above Akaroa Main Highway, still remain today, ie: Coal Range & Brick Chimney, my father was always going to take me there to see it but we never made the journey. Maybe one day I will make this journey to see for myself, I certainly would like to. John & Suzannah Londrigan had 12 children together. Order is in eldest to youngest below. How do you know John? Leave a memory.