1104 views Updated over 1 year agoWritten by Brian Londrigan, digitalized by Matt

James Londrigan (1861 - 1914)

James, the younger brother of John, was born in County Limerick in 1861. He died in New Zealand on the 23rd March 1914 after being thrown from a horse & getting dragged some distance. He succumb to his injuries in Christchurch Hospital.

James, at 53 years on his death, resided at Little River for 40 years, according to his death certificate. This places his arrival in New Zealand at 1874 at only 13 years old which raises a question or two!

We know fairly accurately that his older brother John arrived in New Zealand March 9th 1877. Working back the dates on James' death certificate, we establish he was in New Zealand in 1874, approximately 3 years before John arrived.

According to the Wright Family Tree Book he is said to have arrived with John as an older Brother? Where this information came from, I don't know, but it's a known fact that James was definitely the younger one according to death certificate information.


Was it that John came to New Zealand to join up with his brother? Or was John sent to look for James by family, in particular, his mother? If they arrived together, this makes John 20 years of age & James 17 years of age. How do you know James? Leave a memory.

  • Family History Database
  • Full Name: James Londrigan.
  • Occupation: TBA - likely a farmer.
  • Born: 1861.
  • Passed away: 23rd March 1914.
  • Lived for: 53 years.
  • Father: William Londrigan (County Limerick).
  • Mother: Johannah Lynch (Londrigan).
  • Siblings (1): John.