1199 views Updated over 1 year agoWritten by Brian Londrigan, digitalized by Matt

Florence Blacksmith (Londrigan)

Florence married Bert Stuart Blacksmith at Little River. Took over as Blacksmith from my other grandfather, George Columbus, who ran the business late 1800's / early 1900's. Their children were Bert (Junior), Terrance, Morris (Mod), Joan & Peggy.

Bert junior was an RAF fighter pilot in World War 2 (Hurricanes and Spitfires). Terry was in the army & Joan was a nurse.

Peggy was disabled all her life, she wore leg irons & was on crutches & a wheelchair. She was always bright & cheerful & played the piano very well. She & her father used to play for the local dances & functions. Bert senior played the accordian.

They had a house in Western Valley, Little River. I remember it was close to the river bank which flooded quite often. Florrie always thought every day was a great & was always pleased when visitors called. How do you know Florence? Leave a memory.