Aucklands Forgotten WW2 Bunkers

Updated over 1 year ago by Matt 1777 views
Photos Dairy Flat Bunkers Dairy Flat Abandoned Bunkers
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Aucklands Forgotten WW2 Bunkers

Half way down a dead end country road, sits perhaps one of the most untouched remnants of WW2 history in New Zealand.

Upon arrival I met Allan, who has owned the property for over 35 years. He remembers the earlier years, when there were no trees blocking the view & you could see all the way down to Long Bay Beach & as far North as Warkworth. It's hard to picture as tall trees now block most of the view.

The bunkers were built into the side of a hill, strategically placed at the highest point in the area & served mainly as a lookout. At one point the council wanted them removed so they could widen the road but Allan fought them & the bunkers remained.

These two bunkers were part of a much longer line of defence to protect Auckland from possible land invasion from the North. The line extends all the way from Long Bay Beach on the East Coast, to Muriwai Beach on the West Coast.

From the road, the bunkers appear to be fully emerged in the hill & are completely sealed off, but Allan led me to a concealed entrance which he built on his side of the property, there you can gain full access to the inside of the bunkers.

In comparison to North Head & other bunkers I've visited, these seem more untouched. Allan pointed out that the spray paint on the wall was original camo.

The bunkers are on private property, there's nothing stopping you from viewing them from the road, however the place is under surveillance & you can't enter without permission.
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